We're already mid-October and cold and flu season is fast approaching. Our extended summer in Ottawa has turned into typical crisp days and surprisingly chilly nights. With the drastic change in temperatures, it's all too easy to catch a cold or worse, the flu. Today we're going to talk about my favourite things to do to beat sickness, or at least make the inevitable more bearable.
1. Oil of Oregano
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I have to warn you: this stuff is POTENT. Oil of Oregano is not for the faint of heart. You'll probably cough or gag if you take this route, but I promise you it will be worth it!
When to Use: Sore Throat, Before Sickness Develops
As soon as you feel that little tickle in your throat, before you're even sick. By placing a few drops under your tongue, Oil of Oregano helps to kill bacteria in your throat and stop a cold from happening before it's even begun.
This remedy's success rate depends on how far along your cold cycle is. Like I said, if caught early enough you can avoid the cold altogether, however, if it's too late and you still get sick, the oil can help break up the phlegm in your throat and allow you to spit it out (never swallow phlegm! It keeps you sick longer).
I've been using this for about a year and would say it's helped avoid more colds than not!
2. Gin-Gins
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I hate Halls. When I was a kid I would eat packs and packs of cherry Halls when I was sick because I enjoyed the taste...to the point where even the smell of Halls on someone else's breath makes my stomach upset. So, my great alternative is...Gin-Gins!
For the record, I don't like ginger either, but this is better than Halls by a long shot. From the UK, you can find this product online or at Winners/FarmBoy. This ginger candy is very soothing on a sore throat and is a natural lozenge without any adverse effects. They even come in a variety of flavours like spicy apple, caramel and hot coffee (??). I'll just stick to the extra strength for now.
When To Use: Sore throat
For the record, I don't like ginger either, but this is better than Halls by a long shot. From the UK, you can find this product online or at Winners/FarmBoy. This ginger candy is very soothing on a sore throat and is a natural lozenge without any adverse effects. They even come in a variety of flavours like spicy apple, caramel and hot coffee (??). I'll just stick to the extra strength for now.
3. Hot Water & Lemon
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Hot water and lemon are a natural (and delicious!) go-to for me when I get sick. I can handle it as-is, but a lot of people like to add honey to this concoction, which tastes just as good! Just heat up a mug of hot water for 2 minutes (or just press the Beverage button on your microwave) and add a slice of lemon (and honey if desired!). Sip it slowly and enjoy a little relief.
When to Use: Sore throat, Congestion
Like I said before, this drink is a great, natural remedy for a sore throat and the steam of the warm beverage going up your nose as you drink it will help soothe congestion at the same time.
4. Essential Oils
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Ricardo and I got a Sage diffuser as a wedding gift from our friend Mara, and we have been LOVING it ever since. Though our collection is still small, I saw this breathe blend at work and had to pick it up. Ricardo has bad allergies and can become congested at a moments notice. Whether for allergies or a cold, this essential oil blend is great for relieving a stuffy nose!
When to Use: Congestion (Stuffy Nose)
This is a great natural product by Woolzies that includes peppermint, eucalyptus, frankincense, tea tree oil, lemon, laurel leaf, thyme, cypress, cardamom and myrtle. If you happen to have an extensive collection of essential oils you could totally make this yourself...or at least a derivative of it.
What's great about this product is it works for insomnia and headaches as well, and you can use it topically with a base oil (like jojoba) and rub it on your temples for instant relief.
5. Heat Pad
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I swear by heat pads. My husband thinks I'm crazy but whenever he gets desperate enough to try it he says it's soothing (boys *eyeroll).
When to Use: Aches and Chills
Whenever I start getting the chills I love to heat up my bean bag and put it on my back or neck while I'm under a blanket. It's great for aching muscles and it's so comforting. You can even buy some that are scented or scent them yourselves with a few drops of essential oil (after you take it out of the microwave). You'll feel better in no time!
6. Vitamins
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Yay, candy! I am grown and prefer gummy vitamins. Although I get in and out of the habit of taking my vitamins, having a cold is as good a time as any to start taking them (haha).
When to Use: All the Time!
Your body needs the extra fighting power in order to help you get over your cold, so load up on the vitamin C either through vitamins, Emergen-C, oranges, you name it!
7. Vaseline & Vick's
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Vick's VapoRub is great for congestion. Great to reduce coughing, as well as break up phlegm. They say that if you put Vick's on the bottom of your feet and put socks over them you will stop coughing altogether! I haven't tried that one out for myself yet, but some people do it all the time!
If you're really stuffy, heat up a large bowl of hot water and put about a table spoon of Vick's inside the water, put a towel over your head and breathe deeply. Trust me, that'll clear the sinuses!
When to Use: Congestion, Coughing
Now, I use Vaseline when I have a runny nose and I blow my nose a lot. You know how your nose gets dry and cracked from all the tissues? Vaseline is great to use to help prevent that cracked skin. Do this right from the beginning, though, because once the skin starts to crack it will begin to burn.
When to Use: Excessive Nose Blowing
Another tip: use a Q-tip to get a large glob of product to apply to your nose. This way, you don't contaminate the bottle by putting your hand in it (ew!), and don't have sticky hands when you apply it.
8. The Obvious: Sleep!
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Last but not least: sleep, sleep, sleep! The best way to get over a sickness is to sleep it off. Stay home from work/school, give yourself a chance to rest and don't feel bad about it! Catching a cold is your body's way of telling you it's time to take a break, step back and give your body the time it needs to recover.
Feel better soon!
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