Thursday 24 August 2017

Five Budget-Friendly Date Ideas

Summer is almost over. I can't. I don't know about you, but our summer was nothing like I envisioned. It was basically spring for 4 months and now the leaves are falling. With school starting in a few weeks and the crisp winds signalling change, I want to soak up any last summer activities that I can!
 When Ricardo (my husband) and I were dating, we spent a lot of time together. Our love language is quality time (if you've never read The 5 Love Languages, go read it now....seriously), so we had to get creative about what we would do on dates. Since I was still in school and he was a recent grad, expensive weekly dates weren't going to fit in the budget. So, after the few years that we've been together, we've rounded up our top five favourite date ideas:

1. House Hunters

Nope, not the show...although it does entertain me (ever seen the meme about the people that appear on the show? Google it, it's worth the laugh). One of our favourite things to do when we were dating was go look at model homes. We knew that we were eventually going to get married, and we loved to dream about what the future would look like for us. So, we'd search for model homes in our area and go tour them to see what architectural elements we liked or disliked, and, honestly, to play house a little. 

2. Drives

This one should probably be number one, but the dates that allowed me to really learn who Ricardo was were driving dates. My husband loves cars, particularly his (Dodge Charger), and loves to drive, so it was an enjoyable and 'relatively' free pass-time for us. Those drives, whether during the day or at dusk incited conversations that allowed us to connect on a deeper level, and I'd say it was during one of those drives that I knew he was the one for me. 

3. Exploring Downtown

Another thing I would encourage you and your love (or friends!) to do is explore your city. Surprisingly, there is usually lots of things to do during the summer where you live, you just may not hear about it. But even without organized activities, per say, you can always go and walk downtown, looking for new stores and restaurants that might interest you. Ricardo and I love food, so it's always exciting when we discover a new burger joint or pho place. 

However, these dates are not about restaurant hopping (although that's a great idea when you've budgeted for it), but about getting outside and exploring what free or low-cost activities are available in your city. What we usually do is limit ourselves to one or two small treats, in order to avoid sitting down for a meal when we hadn't planned to. Our go-to is fries. Fries are comfortingly delicious and usually super cheap. We used to do this on drives too. 

4. Visiting Friends

This one might go without saying, but Ricardo and I didn't spend a lot of time at each others houses while we were dating, and so we would often plan double dates, group outings or simply visit friends at their homes. If you're a young couple who plan on getting married within the next 2-3 years, I would highly recommend finding a Godly, married couple who emulate the kind of marriage you hope to have, and make an effort to spend time with them. This is important, especially if your family life isn't the greatest. Spending time with people who uplift you and give you a visual of what you would like to be like someday is a very healthy habit to have, both individually and as a couple.

5. Sweet Treats

Another date idea is to skip the more costly dinner meal and go out for dessert instead! This could be something as inexpensive as getting an ice cream cone from McDonald's, or visiting a more fancy establishment. Think, froyo, cupcakes, cheesecake (heart eyes), pastries, or even donuts! Take a look at Yelp and see what's good near you. You can make it a thing and try to visit a different dessert place every week/month of the summer! 

Basically, getting to know your significant other is very important. I promise you, the easiest marriages are the ones where both people enjoy doing similar things (too obvious?). It's a pleasure exploring the world and the things you love with the one you love. Let's not let it break the bank! 

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