Wednesday 23 August 2017

Hello Gorgeous

Hi Gorgeous! My name is Alisha, and who knows how this little thing called blogging will go. I'm a fresh-out-of college newlywed trying to navigate the 'in-between' stage of youth and adulthood. I've been looking for a project or an outlet to collectively place my ideas, thoughts and creative endeavours.
I actually have a friend (so: Charity) who was considering starting a blog for similar reasons, and I told her yes! Go out of your comfort zone, do something that scares you! That resonated with me, because I've always wanted to start a blog, but forever convinced myself that I wouldn't remain consistent with it, and nobody would read it. Nevertheless, everyone has something to contribute, and I've been held back by my comfort zone for so many's time to give at least one thing a try.

I'm sure we'll get to know each other more and more as we interact and grow together. So kick back, grab a cup of tea or a fizzy drink and let's do this!

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